Whether the thought of traveling the world excites, scares, or titillates you, one thing is for sure: we have lost a lot of travel time during the pandemic.

The pandemic caused a seismic shift in all aspects of our lives. It also forced us to reevaluate what we value the most.  As a result, many of us are making changes in how we spend our time and who we spend our time with, because time is our greatest asset.

The tourism and travel industry is expected to grow considerably over the next several years as global travel is becoming more accessible and feasible, flights are getting cheaper, and countries are easing travel restrictions and enticing new visitors.

However, fear surrounding travel is also very real and universal.  Whether it's the fear of traveling alone, the safety profile of the destination, culture shock, the fear of getting sick abroad, and many others.

So how does one contend with the fear of traveling while also wanting to step out into the world, sometimes for the first time?

You do it while scared.  

I created Traveling While Scared as a space for anyone who can admit that they've delayed their lifelong dream to travel because they were simply scared.

In this space, you will receive a plethora of insights, tips, highlights, what not-to-do and more importantly, my story of how I've navigated the world, scared of everything.

Also, I'VE WRITTEN A BOOK that is part memoir and part motivational, highlighting my misadventures in over 60 countries traveling as a Black woman while sometimes alone, sometimes broke, sometimes exhausted, sometimes heartbroken, sometimes lost, but always while scared. And if I can do it, so can you.

Sign up for my monthly newsletter and instantly receive a free short story of my latest rookie mistake as a veteran traveler (because I still make them) and early access to announcements and freebies related to my book launch.